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This is great. I enjoyed it a lot. I am very hyped for this, despite not ever getting to experience undertale 2. Anyway you could probably make a joke about the demoman also being in the full version not the demo.

chat this is so peak

"Froguemiro gave me juandice, 10/10 game"


"If Undertale Yellow was so good, why isnt there Undertale Yellow 2?"

There is now an UTY2 discord for those interested! ^^

dark world rals i love your games but im lazy to join the dc rn

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So, I've tried playing this game several times, but I keep running into this problem where there is no audio on the title screen and it keeps kicking me out of the game. Does anyone know how to fix this?

If you're using the ZIP:
Did the RPGMAKERVx RTP install correctly?
The EXE file is also known to be quite buggy, and might not work most of the time. So, if you're using the EXE, you may want to switch to ZIP.

Also, you can press F1 to check if your BGM is disabled.

If there are any more details you could give on how this happened, that would be fantastic! Thanks!!! ^^

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Thanks a ton! Turns out, my BGM WAS disabled, and here I thought I had to wait for the full release. Again, thanks for the help!

Ofcourse, so glad I could help!! :D

Let me know how your experience with the demo goes! Have fun! 💛

The sequel we didn't ask for and the one we didn't need (still peak)

peak 2... actually its peak yellow

as a person who has 14+ hours on undertale 2 i am actually excited for this fully releasing in 8 years

it was a 10/10 but I can't use a steering wheel so it's a 9/10


Now all we need is to wait 7 years for this game to fully release

>‿< Hopefully not that much.


Now thats what i call Undertale yellow 2

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i cant explain how excited i got when i saw this


this truly was an undertale yellow 2 demo
can't wait for the full game in 7.2 years

this is actually awesome this feels official i love this so damn much sjalgklsdkjga;slkgjlaskdgasdg

its peak

This is what the community needed. Thank you.


holy shit